Six self belief building blocks for ND women

Written by Rachael Skyring

Rachael Skyring is a curious woman. Neurodivergent. Committed carer. Over thinker. Sensitive feeler. Stubborn AF. With postgraduate degrees in Astrophysics and Rocket Science, she's spent the last twenty years as mostly a Mum, the last ten honing her metaphysical quantum brain surgery skills through mindful movement and embodiment practices. Whoever you want to be, and wherever you want to go, Rachael can start you on your way. The sky's the limit. Let's begin!

24 July 2024

Hey wonderful 


Neurodivergent Women are a rock solid asset in any group environment.   They are steady, reliable workers, sharp strategic thinkers and readily moved by inspiration.  


Yet external social pressure to get ahead, be distracted by drama and perform cool indifference can block their way, dulling their innate enthusiasm, reducing them to stony grey stillness and invisibility.


AND Neurodivergent Women are nothing if not determined and resilient solution seekers, always willing to go the extra mile to find answers they can believe in.

So for you, Here’s six essential self belief building blocks to reconnect you with the humming joy in your vibrant Neurodivergent heart.


  1. Go slower

To build confidence in your deep responsiveness

Allow more time and take up more space for your work, including its broad shoulders of reflective preparation and tidying up.


You are already Strong, patient, persistent, adaptable.

You don’t need to carry the superwoman burden of expectation of doing everything

  1. Do the minimum

To build confidence in your true range

Michaela Boehm’s “Golden Minimum” invites you to feel for the lowest commitment that enables basic engagement, so you can start shabby, build and learn.


You’re already quick, capable, flexible, and willing
You can do without the pressure of perfectionism/idealism/exceptionalism

  1. Play gently

To build confidence in your real reach.

Become curious about the expansion of your awareness and perception over time and space, notice what other sources of information become available.


You’re already lightning fast, discerning and decisive, you know what’s true for you

You will move more freely by releasing the need for logical rationalisation, scepticism and fear of failure


  1. Establish consent

To build confidence in your deep core competency

Betty Martin defined Consent enables clarity about who is doing what for whom, and which way the explicit benefit flows.


You already know what you can and can’t sustain with care and integrity

You don’t owe anything to the hollow temptations of people pleasing, boundary creep, doing more, being more accommodating

  1. Respect safe spaces

To build  confidence in your true capacity

In a neutral, carefully contained space, you can gently reconnect with your spark – just for you


You’re already a radiant, luminous being, who can energise any space you enter

You don’t have to show anybody your energy bandwidth or perform your brilliance


  1. Start with glimmers

To establish confidence in your real continuity

Start with a small desire and follow the thread, moving slowly, to reconnect with the unlost power it leads to


You’re already clear about what stuff, both tangible and intangible, is yours and what belongs to others.

You don’t owe any system a share of your brilliance, or your attention to manage others’ dull stuff

Truth is, it’s not always easy or comfortable to stand in your power.

And you can choose to claim it, day by day, when you feel it.

I believe in you!

These are the exact skills I support my clients to become adept with inside Freeing the Invisible Woman, my 1:1 embodiment coaching program enabling you to experience the audacious joy of choosing the path that lights up your life.

August cohort enrolling now – only two weeks before we begin.  
Learn more here.

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