Bridging the space between hearts

You often appear as a friendly, organised, helpful woman who is willing and able to perform difficult tasks that others tend to avoid.

Recently, you’re getting tired of showing up in tight spots.   The grim satisfaction of enduring and overcoming no longer fulfils you.

You know something else is possible.

You’re curios about kind, encouraging connection.

You’re willing to share your experience and wisdom to benefit other women.

You find yourself wondering how to bridge the space between you and them most effectively, so you don’t waste your energy where its not appreciated.

You’re discovering that

The distance between hearts is a secret space

Secret etymology:

late 14c., “that which is hidden from human understanding;”
early 15c., “that which is hidden from general knowledge;”
from Latin secretum
“secrecy; a mystery; a thing hidden; secret conversation,”
also “retirement, solitude,”
noun from secretus
“set apart, withdrawn; hidden, concealed, private.”

You remain dauntless, willing to persist and find a way to make the crossing on your terms.

And so you find yourself here, embarking on another adventure into the unknown.

mixed messages

This adventure is for you when

you find yourself stuck in immobile frustration while your mind spins figuring out the best way forward

you sometimes feel wobbly and confused

you struggle to express yourself the right way to connect with the people you want to

Please know – the uncertainty is not your fault

The high octane pop culture world we live in spotlights a tiny, shifting sliver of human experience.

Many of us become chronically distracted, anticipating the random pointer, constantly rearranging  our form and face in an exhausting effort to stay ahead.

Until we lose touch with where we’ve been, who we really are and what we truly desire.

This adventure is for you if you want to feel




able to share your abundance of knowledge and experience in a meaningful, joyful way

Introducing Love Moves Us

Soul writes & Body Guidance

A home based adventure for the brave, enabling you to reconnect with your own secret heart

90 minutes of guided decompression to unwind in your own space

for sensitive souls who are bursting with ideas and finding it difficult to start implementing.

Be held in the warm, imperfect energy between Rachael and Yolanda.

Love Moves Us. Access now for $27

You receive immediate access to one 90 minute recorded video

containing a series of guided reflections and expressions,

ultimately inviting you to return to a state of relaxed presence.

The video is bookmarked into chapters.

Each of them lush and generous enough to immerse into individually, 

inviting to you revisit the sections which resonate with you most powerfully.

* 10 minute welcome and introduction

* 2 minute poem reading

* 5 minute guided body connection

* 10 minute guided writing reflection

* 20 minute soul poetry channelling

* 30 minute guided embodied dance

* 15 minute closing reflections

Yolanda's hands

Meet my teacher and friend, Yolanda Sokiri:

Yolanda is an Ubuntu soul poet, mother and mystic.  She is a former UN social justice Officer and NGO Director, a member of the African diaspora, raised among family in Tanzania,  now living in the mountains of Switzerland, sharing her generous love and storyteller’s voice with those fortunate enough to be drawn into her orbit.

A brilliant Black bodied woman, fluent in  (at least) four languages, Yolanda sees and comprehends layers of being that are hidden from my blinkered white bodied perspective.

I am deeply grateful that our paths crossed some years ago and we connected over an appreciation of the power of brave words.

I experience Yolanda as a force of nature.

Earthy presence, bubbling spring of words and wisdom, sparkling wit and rich laughter.

In her own brave words:

I honour my evolving vision of the future, and want to express my explorative, experimental, embodied sense of emergent spaciousness and inspired living.


Love moves us

The expression you seek is seeking you!

You have a unique perspective to share, and there are women out there who want to connect with it.

You need a container where you feel safe enough to get out of your own way for a while and tune into the truth that is seeking expression through you.

You have already established a familiar, comforting environment somewhere in your own home.

That is a the most powerful place to start from.

When you join Love Moves Us, we’ll meet you where you are and guide you, step by step, into a feeling state where you are able to receive new insights about what is most important to you to hold or share right now.

You remain in control of your experience at all times, able to pause, skip, stop or repeat as you need.

Inside Love Moves Us you get to connect with your heart’s desire on your terms.

Here is the mechanics:

Notice two types of bot behaviour 

– similar to natural but weirdly slightly imperfect    oxymoron  >  paradox!!!!!!   

  1.  too much effort – computing so much to model best guess  >  idiotic, too precise, burnout
  2. Not enough effort – bog standard beige boring >  stupid, dull, depressed

In a safe space, with the right people, neither of these behaviours are necessary

You’ll know when you’re at your edge because feel them creeping in > overwhelm

And vice versa > when frozen and mind screaming > overwhelm


Write and dance begins to address both of these.

Write what you need first.

Then move.

Experience is body frozen, mind screaming.   Feeling uncontained, ungoverned.

Remember you have a choice in that moment > you can take a small risk, and express something awkward.

So what is the tiniest thing to move forward with?  >  seed!

When was the last time you played gently

Wild Geese

Mary Oliver

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

Love Moves Us.  Access now for $27