Dancing for joy

Written by Rachael Skyring

Rachael Skyring is a curious woman. Neurodivergent. Committed carer. Over thinker. Sensitive feeler. Stubborn AF. With postgraduate degrees in Astrophysics and Rocket Science, she's spent the last twenty years as mostly a Mum, the last ten honing her metaphysical quantum brain surgery skills through mindful movement and embodiment practices. Whoever you want to be, and wherever you want to go, Rachael can start you on your way. The sky's the limit. Let's begin!

8 October 2024

Dance for joy – on the long walk of integration

Dance brings the magic here, now.

I don’t have to walk to find it.

I highly recommend walking.

And dancing will take you places that walking, running, even yoga never will.

Out of linearity, into non linearity

Nowhere to go because already here.

Here, now.


This week i received some small happy news.


I kept it to myself and it was no big deal


I shared it with some folks who were happy for me, and then i went into a tizz and couldn’t sit still.


Eventually i remembered that all emotions need time and and space and holding.


Even happiness.


And perhaps i’d been keeping a lid on that one too.


I had spotify open, reminded by Aine Tyrrell in Singing our way home


There is a homesickness in so many of us and yet there is also a mycelial awakening that brings us closer to feeling what “home” is. We are all reaching for something and this song is reaching back for all of us as we reach for “home”.


This song arrived through Leah and I and our deep respect for each other’s work and our complete lost-ness for words in these times. Where words fail, art became the medicine we both needed. And many of ye felt that same balm we did from the very first time we shared it.


Bridging the space between.   Song carries us.  Dance carries us.

Art and music carry us where there are no words.


So i asked spotify for happy > and it showed me my own Happy Daze playlist.


So i danced to the first three songs.   And smiled and cried.   I have some atypical emotional responses…


But i guess they were happy tears – or simply unexpressed emotion, liquefied.

And now i sit here and write with ease.


I was listening to folks talking about how they wanted to get out of linear thinking.


And they needed to move their bodies.


But the way they know to move is a treadmill.


It is hard to allow non linear thinking when the only movement we know is linear.


Dance invites the possibility of non linearity.


Intuitive, sensual, embodied dance evokes the possibility of non linearity.


And it’s hard to let go of logic.


The mind cannot comprehend its own absence.  That seems like death or void.


But your body is there to show you continuity.


Ease the mind.  Let it know what is going to happen.


And further, that linear thinking is valuable and progressive.


And it can lead to dead ends.


AHA!   Dead ends are the perfect moment for dance and non linearity.


Stopped in your tracks.


Can’t figure out the next step.


Feel the constriction, the stuckness.


And then imagine what it would feel like to move beyond.


And if you dare, what needs to shift.


Here is the end of linear thinking.


Now you need a process to get you across the bridge from here to there.


I give you LOVE MOVES US.


Love moves mountains, and sometimes, we are that.

LOVE MOVES US is 90 minutes of guided exploration, that begins from your couch (or desk chair, or wherever you find yourself)


Start with a journal and a question, finish up moving on with grace.


Brought to you in collaboration with the magnificent ROCK STAR Yolanda Sokiri.


It’s always humbling when my own medicine works on me.


Reminds me that the medicine is not mine.  The medicine is for all of us.


It comes through me, for you, for us, for life.


Learn more about LOVE MOVES US.


BONUS – because purchasing art supplies and using them are different things.


Included in the price of LOVE MOVES US is a Secret Full Moon Watch Party around Thursday 18 October


We’ll gather online and watch LOVE MOVES US together, with time for live sharing afterward.


This special 2 hour gathering will not be recorded.

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