The opposite of hustle is peace

Written by Rachael Skyring

Rachael Skyring is a curious woman. Neurodivergent. Committed carer. Over thinker. Sensitive feeler. Stubborn AF. With postgraduate degrees in Astrophysics and Rocket Science, she's spent the last twenty years as mostly a Mum, the last ten honing her metaphysical quantum brain surgery skills through mindful movement and embodiment practices. Whoever you want to be, and wherever you want to go, Rachael can start you on your way. The sky's the limit. Let's begin!

2 September 2024

Neurodivergent women are finely attuned to time and place.

They have amazing sensitivity to timing and positioning of self and others in the environment.

So they have a discerning appreciation of humour, art, architecture, dance, music. Context matters.


They are subject to subtle external oppressive conditioning to hustle hard to make an impact.  Create drama and intensity.   Go big or go home.


So we can tend towards going home, because we underestimate the value that our clear, calm focus and attention brings.


What I’ve noticed is that when I”m hustling, pushing to get things done it’s because the delivery timeframe is short.    Due yesterday type situations.

There is little opportunity there for learning or growth in the process.  Only get it done tunnel vision.  This feels tight and constricted.   Effective and sometimes necessary.   A starting point for growth.


What feels spacious and peaceful on the other hand is a longer timeframe and more smaller deliverables.

Where there is room for discovery and emergence.


I feel this is not rocket science.  LOL


The challenge is implementing these established principles in the tight, hustled parts of our lives.


But looking above, remember that the pressure points are activation points – you can deliver something now, even and especially not your best work, but a scrappy first draft.    This is a departure point.  A stepping off point.  A beginning.

You only need to do what is essential for this moment.

This piece of work is not the only piece of work.  It does not have to be the best.  It is a stepping stone to the next piece and the next.


Trusting you’ll know when the timing and positioning is right to move faster – without going into overwhelm.


This is not a linear process.  Step by step allows for resting and pivoting in response to learning and context.


A woman dreams” is an archetypal illustration of this experience.  A short story with artist created images.

As you read, notice which parts feel familiar or uncomfortable.


I still feel uncomfortable not plunging headlong into overwhelm.  Pausing at the brink and turning away into ease and joy seems like cowardice in my mind.


But then, I wonder what the bark people did next?

The whole story could be only a single step in a much longer journey of following desire from contentment back to contentment again and again.


I’d love to hear what part of it lands for you.

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