Your unique path to blooming awaits you

Written by Rachael Skyring

Rachael Skyring is a curious woman. AuDHD (very late diagnosed). Committed carer. Over thinker. Sensitive feeler. Stubborn AF. With postgraduate degrees in Astrophysics and Rocket Science, she's spent the last twenty years as mostly a Mum, the last ten honing her metaphysical quantum brain surgery skills through mindful movement and embodiment practices. Whoever you want to be, and wherever you want to go, Rachael can start you on your way. The sky's the limit. Let's begin!

28 January 2025

Propagating a wildflower from a seed is an extended process.

Once upon a time I volunteered at Coolum Community Native Nursery.   One of the nursery tasks was barbecuing banksia seed pods to access the winged seeds.   Then the seeds were planted in special propagation mix and moved into the greenhouse, placed on a warm mat to germinate.

When the seedlings have emerged further than their baby leaves, they are repotted from a seed tray into a tube.   The tubes go back into another greenhouse to be nurtured another few weeks before finally going out onto the sales tables as established young plants.  After that, they still needed the right environment and plenty of time to actually flower.

As an analogy, coaching might be barbecuing seedpods to extract the delicate seeds, and then planting them carefully.

And for some gardeners, that will be enough, they may have the skills to protect and propagate the seeds.

For others, it’s probably wiser to nurture the seeds and seedings and plants for longer.

For instance, did you know that many seeds sprout with generic shaped leaves, and it’s not until a second set grow that the typical plant form emerges?   I discovered this with herb seeds in pots.   Basil and coriander had the same shaped baby leaves.   Then the distinctive forms emerged.  I’ve seen the same in native plants.

Again by analogy, the first thing that emerges from coaching might appear generic and blah, but that’s just the baby steps.  Keep going, keep growing, and more distinctive style will emerge.

All of this requires patience, nurture, trust and knowledge.

All of that comes from travelling with others over time, watching them shift and change in their focus, settle into a groove, pivot again as new information becomes available.

(which is kind of how flowers appear – they are in fact a whole different part of a plant, and also unpredictable – that pivot is important)

This is the peer support and connection you’ll find running independently in parallel with Embodying Hope.

Coaching will give clarity from murk / white noise of habitual stress and uncertainty, plus a realistic handle on meaningful action to take.

But the next level support is in holding the space for you to take action over a significant period of time, and also to build your confidence through network building, connecting directly with women like you.

One step towards the universe holds sacred space for you to enact what you need.

One Step Towards the Universe is a parallel play and co-working space, where you can find compassionate accountability to show up and also be held and witnessed in the day to day minutiae of achieving any significant opus.

12 months access is included.

It’s difficult to articulate from here what you could achieve with steady commitment, simply showing up each week with a group of similarly committed women.  Working alongside is a powerful gift of trust and vulnerability.

Facilitated connection between peers, to share your unique wisdom and expertise, creating a network.

I will coordinate Coaching cohort members – gently, when you’re ready enough – to connect directly in pairs.   Not socially, but to experience each other’s skills.  Because I know that you have something extraordinary to offer every other Embodying Hope participant – and they have something to offer you.  This is also the most effective, authentic way I know to expand your network.

However, whatever you are doing or thinking of doing, holding compassionate space for another human is a priceless gift for both of you.   This is true whether you have specific skills to share or not.  Your curiosity about the passionate work of another soul is incredibly valuable.  

In respectful conversation, knowledge comes through for both participants from either side.

So having those quality sharing conversations, with new people, opens up hearts and minds.

For introverts and AuDHD women, these outreach conversations can be difficult to initiate.

So I make them a structured feature of this program to facilitate peer interaction and learning.

Neither of these arenas are general social chat group spaces


That level of community management is beyond my AuDHD capacity, and I have yet to experience it done well online anywhere.

However, the combination of parallel play / co-working plus structured peer connection creates a rich environment and strong scaffold for growth catalysed by your embodiment coaching experience.

And all of this is optional.  It’s choose your own adventure every step of the way.

My experience is unequivocal that co working and mutual aid are the warp and weft of bringing your vision to life.

Coaching plants the seed of the vision, the felt experience of it, the direction to take.

But without the longer term commitment to showing up, feeling the warmth, the movement, the stretch and break of actual growth, many seedlings don’t make it to the stage of blooming.

All of this AuDHD wisdom and experience is built into my
1:1 embodiment coaching program,
Embodying Hope,
enabling you to build radical self belief
through experiencing the path that lights you up with AuDHD joy.

You can read lots about it here.

Arrival is the experience you’re missing

Being met and welcomed, with open hearted grace, when you’re absolutely sparkling, as well as when you’re absolutely not.

Inside Embodying Hope,  you’ll come to truly believe that all of you, all of your curiosity, is welcome here, and you’ll finally feel free to

  • Wear what you like (not what everybody else wears)

  • Say what you think (not what others want to hear)

  • Do what lights you up (not what others say you should do)

  • Have what’s important to you (not what others tell you is valuable)

  • Show up in the places that call you (not where others say is best to be seen)

Look out world!

And you know what else?

You’ll discover that you’re not alone on your path, and never have been.  There is love and support all around you, when you learn to recognise it.

    The first step on this solidarity building journey is scheduling a zero obligation Freeing the Invisible Woman session, where we’ll explore where you’re at, what’s calling you, and what you need most to support you getting there.


    You’ll leave with an unexpected action step and an energising earworm to keep.


    Enrolment closes this Friday 1 February.


    I look forward to speaking with you, answering all your questions, and making 2025 a year to remember because you are able to show up and meet your dreams with a support crew around you.

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