Commit to joy
You’ve committed to many things in your life
And walked away from many things
Now you’re ready to commit again to the path that brings you joy within the constraints of your other commitments.
The life you live is mostly great.
And you want more time to enjoy it.
You’re discovering that
Joy lives within you
Joy etymology:
lc. 1200, “feeling of pleasure and delight;”
c. 1300, “source of pleasure or happiness,”
from Old French joie
“pleasure, delight, erotic pleasure, bliss, joyfulness” (11c.),
from Latin gaudia
“expressions of pleasure; sensual delight,”
plural of gaudium
“joy, inward joy, gladness, delight; source of pleasure or delight,”
from gaudere “rejoice,”
from PIE root *gau- “to rejoice”
You remain dauntless, willing to persist and find a way to make the crossing on your terms.
And so you find yourself here, embarking on another adventure into the unknown.

This adventure is for you when
you find yourself stuck in immobile frustration while your mind spins figuring out the best way forward
you sometimes feel wobbly and confused
you struggle to express yourself the right way to connect with the people you want to
Please know – the dissociation is not your fault
The aurora might be enough to pull anybody back into the here and now – but it’s not available all the time to everybody (though it apparently the number one bucket list item)
The high octane pop culture world we live in spotlights a tiny, shifting sliver of human experience.
Many of us become chronically distracted, anticipating the random pointer, constantly rearranging our form and face in an exhausting effort to stay ahead.
Until we lose touch with where we’ve been, who we really are and what we truly desire.

This adventure is for you if you want to feel
able to share your abundance of knowledge and experience in a meaningful, joyful way
One Step Towards the Universe
Soul writes & Body Guidance
A home based adventure for the brave, enabling you to reconnect with your own secret heart
90 minutes of guided decompression to unwind in your own space
for sensitive souls who are bursting with ideas and finding it difficult to start implementing.
Be held in the warm, imperfect energy between Rachael and Yolanda.
You receive access to three 60 minute live online parallel play sessions each week
Time devoted to the nurturing activities you tend not to get around to in your regular days.
And if you’re not sure what that might be, from week to week or day to day, you also get immediate access to Recalibrate your life for joy audio to tune into what you really truly deeply need right now.

the most important question when you’re giving a lot and not getting the returns you need.
“What do I really, truly, deeply need now?”
Gift yourself time to breathe and smile and wonder and the answer will show itself.
then you’ll laugh.
You can listen right now.
This is my gift to you.
You’ll find the link again inside One Step Towards the Universe, because this question needs asking again and again.

The expression you seek is seeking you!
You have a unique path

Here is the mechanics:
Show up and do what makes it possible to show up again

One step…
I have found that you have only to take that one step toward the gods, and they will then take ten steps toward you. That step, the heroic first step of the journey, is out of, or over the edge of, your boundaries, and it often must be taken before you know that you will.
Joseph Campbell