Committing to ease in uncertain times

Written by Rachael Skyring

Rachael Skyring is a curious woman. AuDHD (very late diagnosed). Committed carer. Over thinker. Sensitive feeler. Stubborn AF. With postgraduate degrees in Astrophysics and Rocket Science, she's spent the last twenty years as mostly a Mum, the last ten honing her metaphysical quantum brain surgery skills through mindful movement and embodiment practices. Whoever you want to be, and wherever you want to go, Rachael can start you on your way. The sky's the limit. Let's begin!

14 December 2024

The World Is a Lot Right Now.
The year’s end can feel like a swirling storm of loose ends, unanswered questions, and unfinished plans. The constant churn of uncertainty can weigh heavy, pulling you into a spiral of “what ifs” and “not enoughs.”

For late-diagnosed neurodivergent women, uncertainty doesn’t just sit outside us—it weaves into our thoughts, our bodies, and our sense of self. Yet, in the face of all this complexity, there’s a surprising way forward: commitment. Not the kind that adds pressure, but the kind that creates space.

What if the commitment isn’t to fixing the uncertainty, but to making time to meet it?

Time holds the power to unravel the knots of uncertainty. A little at a time, it gives us ease to breathe, space to process, and clarity to see what’s next.

Mind: Get Curious About the Complexity of Small Things.
Uncertainty can feel enormous, but the secret to navigating it lies in something beautifully small. Pause to notice one thing—a shadow moving across the wall, the delicate folds of a flower, the way steam curls from your tea. Let yourself wonder: What’s really happening here?

In these tiny moments, the complexity of life unfolds—not as something overwhelming, but as a reminder that patterns emerge when we give ourselves time to notice. Each small moment holds its own mystery and beauty, inviting us to meet uncertainty with gentle curiosity, one breath at a time.

Heart: Commit to Small Returns.
Commitment isn’t about grand gestures; it’s about showing up again and again, even when it feels messy. Reach out to someone you trust. Share a thought, a feeling, or just a moment. These small returns to connection remind you that you don’t have to hold uncertainty alone.

Because actually, much of the time, nobody knows what they’re doing, and everybody is doing the best they can.  In reaching out, you remind us all that time for curious, caring connection is also an important commitment.

Body: Move Toward Spaciousness.
Ease isn’t about ignoring tension—it’s about noticing it and inviting space. Stand, stretch, or simply place your hand on your heart. Imagine the rhythm of your breath softening the edges of whatever feels tight or uncertain.  A couple of slow breaths can be enough to reset, creating just a little more space. Then, continue with what you’re doing.

Let this be an invitation to return, again and again. Commitment lies less in intensity and more in consistency—a gentle showing up for yourself, moment by moment.

This week, I’m spotlighting Sinking into Neurodivergent Success, a series of audios to guide you in reflecting and wondering what ease and success can feel like in your body.

It’s an invitation to take time—your time—to sense what truly matters to you and remember what it is you’re truly committing to.   Learn more here

In other news:

  • Rest, Reflect, Rewire Retreat planning is well underway.
    • Save the date 2-5 May 2025.   
    • Details coming in the new year.

  • Read more below: 
    • Affirmation for distracted neurodivergent women,
    • My reflections on how I learned something surprising about commitment this week,
    • OOREI poem – managing uncertainty with commitment.

A Moment to Notice.
Right now, notice the passage of time in your body. The steady in-and-out of your breath. The beat of your heart. These rhythms remind you that time is already here, offering its spaciousness.

A Question for You:
What’s one small way you can commit to time this week—to pause, return, and create space for ease? I’d love to hear your thoughts—hit reply and share.

Encouragement for Sensitive Souls.
Dear one, commitment isn’t about forcing certainty into the unknown. It’s about choosing to show up for the moment, over and over, with gentleness and presence.

Let’s navigate this season together, finding spaciousness in the midst of uncertainty, one moment at a time.

Many neurodivergent women love to open the box of uncertainty and drama.  Because curious!!!!  What would happen if … and Into the rabbit hole she goes.

We are also conditioned to sticking to the plan, relentlessly.  Trivialising anything else as a distraction, of no import or value.

This undermines our ability to enrich any moment with depth and complexity.

I invite you to remember that you can choose when to enhance any experience with all the depth and complexity you bring.  You hold both the fixed and the unknown.   

What would it feel like to open that box of duality?

Inside Sinking into Neurodivergent Success you’re guided to do exactly that, and to discover the unexpected delights awaiting you.

This week I have faced the sobering reality that I probably need to get a better paying job to create some certainty and stability in my own life.

The prospect has seemed very daunting, because I felt completely clueless about preparing a CV and cover letter, even when I discovered a surprisingly appealing Heritage Library Officer opening.

I remembered that i had some skillful friends to call on, so I reached out to them for technical and moral support.

Fortunately, there was also plenty of time to prepare the application.  Weeks.  What a luxury.

I even went on a reconnaissance mission to have a look at the location.

I asked ChatGPT for help with the application, but most of its response was making stuff up and mirroring back the job requirements, which is what freaks me out in the first place.

Finally, I took the time to sit down and look at the various parts of the description, to sort them in ways that made sense to me, and to which I could make a response.

Funnily enough, in the middle of this ongoing process, I had randomly been reading about the end of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour.   One of the articles commented on Swift’s appeal that she is not actually the very best at anything she does, but she is great at a lot of things, and the combination is irresistible to millions of fans.

Somehow, indirectly, this enabled me to recognise that while I am certainly not the best Librarian in the world, I do have a broad range of skills and experience,  drawn from both professional and voluntary roles, and across sectors, over nearly 40 years (if you count the minimum wage retail and service roles i started in)

Then I was able to sit down and write an astonishingly confident cover letter, outlining my range of skills and experience in detail, because I’ve actually done the work.  Even some corporate sounding jargon came back to me.


When I asked ChatGPT to write a resume based on the cover letter, I got a much more satisfying response.


For sure it all needs polishing, and I’ll take it back to my recruiter friend for feedback, but I have now achieved something that has eluded me for years, in the summarising of my unique personal professional competence.


Of course I don’t know that I’ll get the job, because there are a whole lot of variables beyond my control in that process, but I’m feeling much more sure of my ability to apply for another suitable position, should the need arise.


And I’m just feeling better about myself, because I have put in writing some of what it is I do and have been doing for decades in the real world.


So that long term commitment, steady building of competence and confidence through working, knowing what I am doing and claiming that, was ultimately able to meet and overcome the uncertainty of can I show up for this new opportunity/position.


I invite you into a similar reflection, should you need it, to enable you to face any dramas, personal or professional during the holiday period.


Remember that you are competent.  You’ve been showing up and doing the work for years, if not decades.  


You may or may not be the best in show, but you have a unique and compelling skillset that will set you up for meaningful success when you need it most.


Give yourself time to absorb information and make sense of it, call on friends and supporters, then name what you are willing and able to do.   Rinse and repeat.


Remember you can call on your history and broader culture to support you.   You don’t have to find everything in yourself in this minute.


You’ve got this.

Wishing you – and me! – wonderful holidays.   Please take one (holiday, that is)

Sinking into neurodivergent success
could help you recognise where you’re ready to take that break and what it would feel like.  

Anchored stream of consciousness poem below

(OOREI form “made up” by slam poet Beau Sia)

With gratitude to @AprilLDiaz for the title inspiration.

Manage uncertainty with commitment

Where’s your commitment?

What’s uncertain?

If the outside is uncertain

Commit to the inner vision

If the inner vision is unclear

Commit to seeing truly what is going on around you.

What else is there to say?

Ironically, I am uncertain

And I am committed to speaking to this

So will trust the words that emerge from uncertainty.

Manage uncertainty with commitment

It’s easy to fall into the trap of the mirror

Uncertainty around, uncertainty within

What’s going on?

Nobody knows

That is a spiral downward into chaos

LOL.  Gravity is the commitment that is imposed

Goes both ways too,

Manage commitment with uncertainty.

And i think i have been managed that way

Is that manipulation?

Manage uncertainty with commitment

Building strength of commitment over time

It’s a muscle, as they say.

Use it or lose it

What are you committed to?

Don’t let that be a singularity

Commitment points to uncertainty

By its very existence

Commitment means uncertainty is near.

And similarly

Uncertainty means commitment is near.

Manage uncertainty with commitment

Inside, outside, upside, down

Some directions are more comfortable than others

We commit to the known by default

It takes courage to commit to the unknown

Ooooh, that is the diagonal

What happens when I commit to uncertainty

The thrall of uncertainty is broken

Now i can dance

While commitment is rigid for fear of uncertainty

It is only half the equation

Manage uncertainty with commitment

Turn commitment towards uncertainty

That is a phase shift

Usually commitment might avoid uncertainty

Point away from it, run away from it.

There’s always more uncertainty

But it can be managed with commitment

Commitment means showing up over time

Again and again

Seeing the patterns that emerge from uncertainty

The probabilities

Manage uncertainty with commitment

Show up again and again at the coalface of doubt

Until it becomes familiar and known

There is always more questions

For every question answered

Commit to what is beyond uncertainty

Through uncertainty and doubt

Gosh, what would that be?

What is here now, and has always been

Is that me?  Myself?  My unfolding life?

Certain uncertain, committed, doubtful

Manage uncertainty with commitment

The through line of self

Spirit, story, skin (thank you uncle paul)

Bring experience to what is unknown

Bring what is consistent to meet what is inconsistent

Set a timer dammit

I don’t like open ended descents into wandering

10 minutes more.

Now the egg timer ticks

Lol  i was uncertain how much further to go

Now i am committed to 10 minutes

Manage uncertainty with commitment

Face what i do not know how to do 

Armed with what I do know

Seeking the limit of my capacity – unknown

With a commitment to respecting my capacity – felt

I dont want to keep going

I don’t know what will show up

I can feel the resistance within

The mental struggle with staying the course

This is not a promise of ease

It is a path, a process of damage control

Manage uncertainty with commitment

Commit to values, greater than

Bridge the gaps of uncertainty with wings

It’s not not scary.   It’s still scary

But I am not alone.

The leap is about more than myself

More than my fears of the dark

My personal uncertainty

Balanced by commitment to the greater good

Ooof.   the greater good.  Who even knows what that is

And yet I am committed to it, in uncertainty.

Manage uncertainty with commitment

LOL.  Jump in.  See it through.

Begin, continue, shift, evolve, iterate

Beginners mind does not know

Beginners mind is all about uncertainty

Knows only that it does not know

There is a commitment to uncertainty.

The paradox that splits open the experience

What is this?

Who am i that experiences it?

How does it feel?

Manage uncertainty with commitment

Curiosity emerges

Rather than resistance, ignorance, avoidance

I do not know where we are going

But let’s go together.

Commit to each other

To humanity, to greater than

Commitment to resolving conflict

Piece by piece, as long as it takes

Uncertainty of otherness

Commitment to togetherness

Manage uncertainty with commitment

What is uncertain now?

The bell has rung

Time is up. There is always more

The clock ticks away.

Commitment to being with the uncertainty.

Management does not mean suppression

What if manage means meet?

What if management responds to uncertainty

What if to manage is a commitment

to hold Space for uncertainty

Initial ChatGPT prompt:

Transform the anchored stream of consciousness poem below into a relatable everyday embodiment encouragement blog post/email for late diagnosed AuDHD women. Use my friendly, slightly awkward tone of voice. Open with a reflection about all the uncertainty in the world today, and at the end of the year, and how it could drag you down into chaos. Include one suggestion for curious mind, one for connected heart and one for creative body. Outline one moment to notice. with an engagement question. Close with balanced encouragement for sensitive readers, inviting them to stay open to following wondering, without feeling pressured to be fixed.

Output: Committing to ease in uncertain times

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