To the power of two

Written by Rachael Skyring

Rachael Skyring is a curious woman. AuDHD (very late diagnosed). Committed carer. Over thinker. Sensitive feeler. Stubborn AF. With postgraduate degrees in Astrophysics and Rocket Science, she's spent the last twenty years as mostly a Mum, the last ten honing her metaphysical quantum brain surgery skills through mindful movement and embodiment practices. Whoever you want to be, and wherever you want to go, Rachael can start you on your way. The sky's the limit. Let's begin!

9 November 2024

Embracing the Known, the Unknown, and the Space in Between


Let’s face it: life doesn’t come with a clear rulebook, especially for us late-diagnosed AuDHD women. We’re navigating worlds within worlds—what we know and don’t know, what we see and what we feel. But maybe that’s exactly what opens up an expansive life, the ability to hold both the seen and the unseen, even when it feels contradictory or messy.


What if we could hold both the light and the dark, the comfort and the discomfort, not as opposites but as partners? It’s about moving beyond black-and-white thinking, giving ourselves permission to explore and dance between ideas, and letting life feel as rich and multi-layered as we are.


One Small Step for Mind, Heart, and Body


For our curious mind, let’s invite in new perspectives. Next time you find yourself feeling certain—about being “right” or “wrong,” for instance—pause for a second. Ask yourself, “What might I be missing?” Just the act of wondering if there’s another angle can bring an unexpected sense of freedom and remind you that it’s okay to hold two truths at once.


For our connected heart, practice parallel play with someone close to you. This could mean doing something side by side—each of you focused on your own project, yet sharing space together. It’s grounding and soothing, and you don’t have to work so hard to “connect” through words; just being near one another can feel like a gentle, heart-centered way of being with someone.


For our creative body, try exploring the power of two in movement. If you’re going for a walk, feel the rhythm of each foot hitting the ground, left and right, noticing the balance of each step. Let this rhythm remind you that we don’t have to have everything figured out all at once. One foot in front of the other is enough.


Daily Practice Invitation: The Radical Center


Today, set aside five minutes to sit with whatever you’re feeling, without the need to “fix” it. Imagine yourself in the center of it all—whatever “all” is for you today. Notice the conflicting parts of yourself, the comfort and discomfort, the peace and the worry. Breathe, acknowledging that each piece belongs. There’s power in simply holding the complexity without needing it to be anything else.


Gentle Encouragement for Sensitive Readers


Remember, it’s okay to feel sensitive or uncertain; there’s real strength in that. You don’t have to choose between your different parts—they can coexist. Being expansive isn’t about making things simple; it’s about learning to hold the fullness of your experience, one gentle step at a time.

Resources to suport your gentle expansion:

Read more below:
Affirmation and validation for neurodivergent women
+ My thoughts in the aftermath of US election
+ Anchored stream of consciousness poem

Recalibrate your life for joy:  Free audio
Listen now to find immediate clarity on what you need in this moment.

Sinking into success:
Seven audio guides setting you up to embrace embodied success across different facets of your life.

Black Rainbow bundle: Limited offer.
Join my Embodying Hope 1:1 embodiment coaching program, starting Feb 2025
with 50% discount and extended payment plan available.
plus bonus single coaching session
plus access to all current resources
plus more as they become available.
Book a free wake up call to learn more.

Neurodivergent women (especially late diagnosed AuDHD women) are busy.  They keep a lot of tabs open, in all areas of their lives.  


Social pressure to stick to one thing and keep working at that with unwavering focus.  Stay in your lane.  Authority and expertise held out as goals.   Keep it simple.  Remember, your opinion doesn’t hold weight if you’re not a certified, qualified expert.


Undermines our ability to weave together cross disciplinary gleanings, and take seriously the subtle connections we see that are meaningful to us.


So, truth is, there is merit in both paths.


Sometimes the commitment to a single path is helpful, sometimes having a plethora of choices is helpful.


The skill is in switching between the two states and maintaining sense of self and purpose.


One of the powers of two is remembering that other ways are available when you need them.


When actual progress is required, often the single path, taking the next step is most useful


When the single path is obstructed by forces beyond your control (ie, you’re tired), then it’s time to pause and consider other options.


The power of two is wriggle room.  Space and time to begin whatever is needed now, mindful of both past and present situations.

This week the US election has been big news, with high emotions on all sides.


A moment of two-ness, while we waited for the votes to be counted.


Truth is, this election outcome, although it will have global effects, most of the global population, including me, had zero direct power to affect its outcome, because only US citizens are entitled to vote.


And yet I am caught up in the emotion of the moment.   


In the aftermath, when the possibilities I was hoping for were dashed, is when I get to choose.


To acknowledge the bitter disappointment AND the cynical unsurprise.  

 AND to choose hope.

These words from Kelly Robinson on Brene Brown’s blog are brilliant:

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” It takes faith to work every day to bring about a world that’s more just and more equitable than we’ve ever seen.

…the hardest part of our fight is manifesting a world that we’ve never seen before. 

…reminded me of the words of the poet James Davis: “I stand for the rainbow, I stand for the rain.”

…our task isn’t to ignore the pain or the darkness. It’s to choose the light anyway. It is to keep choosing hope and joy and rainbows.

That is what some call simultaneity: the idea that you can have two feelings that are complex, even conflicting. In the same breath, you can feel both joy and grief. You can feel both hope and despair. You can feel both victorious and a little bit defeated.

…We need to remind young people that we come from a long line of changemakers. And right now, progress isn’t only possible. It is happening.

For me, hope looks like two things right now.


Joining the resistance on the ground where I am – actively showing up to protect vulnerable people, as much as I am able.


And also really truly enjoying the life and love and beauty in the world directly around me.


My family, friends, sunny days – unexpected kittens.


I hold the sadness, the disapointment AND I allow and invite other joys and possibilities and connecitons into my life.    It is this that allows and invites and encourages and even requires me to take positive action in the ways that are aligned and available to me right now.


And I do not have to do all the work.  I can do what I can do.   And with the support of others I can stretch further and do more that is aligned with my values.


(right now, I found support at the end of a long day from my carefully curated social media feeds.   For all the bad press it gets, there are a lot of uplifting and empowering voices on socials, if you are willing to seek them – again the power of two – there are hidden surprises that can uplift when you need it)

In Australia, Fair Agenda has a 40 000+ strong base of supporters and organisation advocating for dignity and equity for all.  Their current campaign for reproductive autonomy is on point, with zoom webinars scheduled this coming week.

So yes, definitely take the time you need to find calm, and then find aligned ways to take action to support and defend the most vulnerable in our communities.

Resources to suport your gentle expansion:

Blog continues below:
anchored stream of consciousness poem
(OOREI form “made up” by slam poet Beau Sia)
The power of two

Recalibrate your life for joy:  Free audio
Listen now to find immediate immediate guidance in using the power of two for finding your most aligned next move

Sinking into success:
Seven audio guides setting you up to embrace embodied success across different facets of your life.

Black Rainbow bundle: Limited offer.
Join my Embodying Hope 1:1 embodiment coaching program, starting Feb 2025
with 50% discount and extended payment plan available.
plus bonus single coaching session
plus access to all current resources
plus more as they become available.
Book a free wake up call to learn more.

Power of two 

Shame and black and white thinking

Inside and outside, you and me, you vs me

Holds both sides simultaneiously

The light and the dark, the hope and despair

Is grounded and reaching.

Is grounded in current reality and reaching for what we have never seen

The power of to-gether

The power of going to

Parallel play.  Co- working.  Solidarity

Power with – co-active.  


I don’t know where to begin with two

Which end to work with

Gives me the in between.

The radical centre

Invites me into my experience in this moment

The complexity of this and that

Squared.  x>2  x amplified

Unknown, variable amplified

Any Value, amplified

In both directions


To work with values

Is to work with power

The power of one to begin

One step at a time

The power of two to grow

To sustain, to build, to refine, to enable

Creates more than linearity

Creates space, as well as progress

Makes possible – points toward – the power of three

And all the other values.


Asks me to imagine more

Invites me into a field of possibilities

Reminds me that when i think i’m wrong

There is rightness there too

Reminds me when i’m sure i’m right

There is room for an alternative view

Is present in right and left

Two hands to join a circle

Two feet to walk and dance

Two sides to every story


Points to the power of one

As source.

Shows me both sides

So i can choose my true path right now.

Gives me space to consider

Both comfort and discomfort

Gives me a handhold

A way out of the circle of my own mind

What if i’m right.  What if i’m wrong

How does that feel?


Imagining and working for what we have never seen

Enables me to believe in myself

Seeing the other outside me

Seeing that they are doing ok

Travelling together, side by side

Parallel play.

Begins with the centre and the perimeter

The anchor and the fence

Moving parallel, not interfering with each other

Progressing on our own paths


Imagines moving parallel

Imagines having company no matter what you face

Imagines the other

To Settle into yourself

Imagines the other as friend and companion

Finds common ground.

Enables a productive conversation

Invites me to show up for real

Is my favourite power

Power with, co-action, power to.

(cf power over and power within)

ChatGPT prompt:

Transform the stream of consciousness poem above into a relatable everyday embodiment encouragement blog for late diagnosed AuDHD women. Use my friendly, slightly awkward tone of voice. Open with a simple statement about embracing both the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown to enjoy an expansive life. Include one suggestion for curious mind, one for connected heart and one for creative body. Outline one daily practice invitation. Close with encouragement for sensitive readers

Output: Embracing the known, the unknown and the space inbetween

Resources to suport your expansion:

Recalibrate your life for joy:  Free audio
Listen now to find immediate immediate guidance in using the power of two for finding your most aligned next move

Sinking into success:
Seven audio guides setting you up to embrace embodied success across different facets of your life.

Black Rainbow bundle: Limited offer.
Join my Embodying Hope 1:1 embodiment coaching program, starting Feb 2025
with 50% discount and extended payment plan available.
plus bonus single coaching session
plus access to all current resources
plus more as they become available.
Book a free wake up call to learn more.

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